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COVID-19 Grant Recipients

The Emergency Medicine Foundation is proud to announce our COVID-19 research grantees. Through donations contributed to the EMF Endowment Fund from ACEP members and the generous contributions from McDonalds Corporation and the Medtronic Giving Connection, EMF awarded $163,967 in grant funding to further the medical community's understanding of and response to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.


John Purakal, MD, MSc
COVID-19 Research Grant

Dr. Purakal, of Duke University - Division of Emergency Medicine, was awarded $50,000 for his project titled "Social Determinants of Health and COVID-19 Infection in North Carolina: A Geospatial and Qualitative Analysis."

Janice Blanchard, MD, PhD
COVID-19 Research Grant

Dr. Blanchard, of George Washington University, was awarded $38,777 for her project titled "An Evaluation of Stressors related to COVID-19 In Emergency Medicine Physicians."

Amyna Husain, DO and Daniel Hindman, MD, MPH
COVID-19 Research Grant

Dr. Husain (pictured) and Dr. Daniel Hindman, of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, were awarded $24,920 for their project titled "Pediatric Patient Characteristics and Their Associations with Screening, Receipt of COVID-19 Testing and Management within the Johns Hopkins Health System Enterprise."

Felipe Teran, MD, FACEP
COVID-19 Research Grant

Dr. Teran, of the University of Pennsylvania, was awarded $50,000 for his project titled "Prognostic Value of Point of Care Cardiac and Lung Ultrasound in COVID-19–CLUSCO Study."

How you can help continue to support COVID-19 research:

Donate to EMF today here:

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Honor Someone you Love with a Memorial or Tribute gift:
Consider making a donation or purchase a brick paver in the EMF Plaza at ACEP Headquarters to offer a lasting legacy of your loved one or to honor their contributions to helping those in need. Contact Jodi Talia today.